Press page Corfu Island Pass
On this page you will find: Press releases, Our mission, Means of Contact and Brand Assets.
April 1st 2023 is the official launch date of The Corfu Island Pass. Visitors from all around the world will be able to purchase the pass online. The pass provides discount on many attractions and rentals on and around Corfu. The main goal is to show how versatile and upcoming Corfu is. Tourists will be able to see more, experience more and do more when they have a Corfu Island Pass.
There are many companies on Corfu who are participating with us, their collaboration is free and every business-owner is an enthousiastic partner. We feel we took the right corner and businesses where anticipating an idea like this.
We are always looking for entrepeneurs who want to join, the more partners, the stronger Corfu will rise on the Greek tourism list. Ansd that benefits everyone on the island.
With experience in the leisure- and entertainment business, combined with a creative team, the founders of The Corfu Island Pass were set to give Corfu the boost it needs.
The average tourist of Corfu drives around the island with no definite plan. We want them to discover the beauty of one of the most beautiful Greek islands. The problems tourists face are that there is a need for information when tourists arrive on the island. The first thing they are looking for is how to get by on Corfu. The provided information is limited to online search queries, which, as soon as they arrive, mostly get forgotten.
We give tourists information about Corfu binded in a booklet as well as a clear roadmap. Above that we provide discounts on rentals, attractions, sightseeing tours and cruises.
We believe in Corfu’s great potential.
E-mail: press@corfuislandpass.com
Press contact: Either Wendy Veuger (founder) or Perry Witlox (founder)
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